PAYMENTS 2017-12-11T19:26:56+00:00

Insurance vs. Self-Pay:

According to the Center For Disease Control (CDC), about 25% of all U.S. adults are living with a mental illness and almost half of U.S. adults will develop at least one mental illness during their lifetime. While I can and have diagnosed disorders for many years (something mandatory with insurance companies), I currently have chosen not to bill insurance. I have chosen private pay over co-pays and over insurance companies being overly involved in your personal matters. If you need a diagnosis to obtain other care, to better explain your situation and symptoms, or for peace of mind, I can provide it.

While I understand not all folks can afford private pay, many prioritize it if it means that they are getting the services they choose and desire. In some community mental health agencies where I’ve worked, clients were often assigned to therapists based on nothing more than availability. There was little ‘goodness-of-fit’. Holding caseloads of 30-65 clients or family systems, I often referred to children as ‘brother or sister’ or caregivers as ‘your grownup’. So swamped I sometimes walked into waiting rooms not knowing who was coming through my door next. While I feel proud that I served many deserving and wonderful folks, I did not feel it was an ethical way of doing what I love to do.

While therapy is most definitely an investment, I believe I can reach those who can make room to afford it and also have several spots at a community minded sliding-scale rate that still provides my services to those with less financial leeway. Reach out to me and let’s see what we can do.

For a free phone consultation click on my ‘Contact” page and I look forward to discussing whether individual, family, couples, or group work may benefit you. Antra@LamplightTherapy.com